I am so excited for this! Last year i made a comic adding a character from each prompt every day!

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I am a repeat offender as an inktober dropout. So not even starting this year.

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i worked with some artists friends on this last year, but did “wordtober” and it was so fun and inspiring. so many pieces were solid enough for my short story newsletter. i hope this happens again!

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I'm so ready for this! Going for Graphite pencils this time around 😁

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Already have 28 characters sketched for the challenge! They are based on my Retail Life webcomic! Share the grind!

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Happy Inktober, let's enjoy the fun and keep it going!

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I have yet to do this challenge, but I've always loved following it on Instagram. I've just started a 100-day art project that involves a lot of vibrant colourful art, but maybe I’ll add some drawing sessions into my project ☺️

I hope you'll be sharing updates here on Substack!

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Pens ready!

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What is Inktober? I’ve heard the term used before but am confused (Je suis Francais).

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It is a challenge where you do one ink drawing based on the prompt each day of October. It's a mashup of the words ink and October. Today's prompt is "dream."

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I understood it was a mashup of words, but not the over-all idea of the challenge now I do thanks, hmm not my sort of thing (ink drawings) so good luck.

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