Aug 26·edited Aug 26

Im excited to do inktober again... but aint those prompts a bit close together?

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Definitely sensing a theme with these prompts...

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2024 prompts aren't it. Too many similar ones. Disappointing.

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Yeah like Roam, Trek Hike??? Those are like the same thing. I just found a creative way to differentiate Trek and Hike then scrolled down and saw Roam ):

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As a none native English speaker, I just googled what the difference is, since there's no word for trekking in Danish, but there is with hiking...

They're often used similar, but there's actually a difference.

Hiking is normally a one day trip, with no to light packing and you normally go on trails/path systems, and trekking is several days, with more packing and you might go off road. So one is more wild than the other, so to say.

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And roaming is something completely different, same theme but like, different animals can roam too.

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I get what your saying lol. Ig i'm finding it hard because I like to do inktober with my ocs, and fitting them in all those 3 prompts without it just being them walking in nature etc is quite difficult. I liked the previous year because you had similar prompts but none that was like 3 diffrent versions of walking (though they have diffrent meanings that's honestly what you'll likely end up drawing for almost all of them, just with diffrent scenery) I might probably do inktober anyways, (If I don't it's because my art block is crazy bad rn and I don't want to torture myself on inktober) I mean not all years are gonna fit to me and thats okay. I just found those 3 prompts extremely frustrating . I will also add that in a drawing sense these 3 prompts actually ar almost the same kinda like what I was saying before. Yes they have diffrent meaning when it comes to actual walking but when drawing all 3 are gonna be some form of a species walking most likely in nature, and while they are techniquely diffrent they do still feel a bit too similar to me

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I don't agree they're gonna be the same in a sense of drawing. It depends on your imagination... But I agree it's too similar and too themed. I liked it better when it was more random and some were more "fluffy" with less definition. :/

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I guess that's true. I guess my thing is I'm not as creative as some others are. And in the past i've actually looked to inktober to be a challenge for my creativity. In a way having a similar theme does challenge me to have to think outside the box. But I guess I have more prefrence to having some more variety in the prompts in general. The whole prompt feels like it's trying to make artist draw a ton of hiking and adventouring, which is cool when it's like 3-5 of the prompts But I also like to have other ideas that make me think of other things too. My favourite prompts where the ones where you could interpret them in a lot of diffrent ways. Say ball, you could have bouncy balls, a formal ball, a ball that's decorative that's maybe actually a jewel, or just anything circular. Idk it's possible my frustration with the prompts is more of a me thing as it's hard to fit in with my other rules I've put on myself. I will admit I still kinda agree with my top point of those 3 prompts in particular being way to similar.

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Um, they’re a bit….. samey aren’t they?

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Two things propelled my drawing career. Doing Inktober last fall and getting sober six months ago.

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Aug 26Liked by Inktober

I’m excited for Inktober and ready to challenge myself! Let’s go everyone! I’d love to see some great new Artists joining, as well as, the ones I’ve connected with so far. Thank you for sharing with us Inktober team!

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I agree that they are similar prompts but we are artists so let’s see what we can do different with each of them! 😊💪🏼

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This Inktober is sponsored by Dora the Explorer.

I know it’s a really popular thing but ever since Jake Parker ripped off Alphonso Dunn’s book I have turned my back on anything related to him.

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What, he did? When where what why how? 😳

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People that think the prompts are too closely related, are thinking in a narrow way. Don't limit words to a certain context, just because there's others that fit it as well. Each day, check the corresponding prompt and forget about the others. Each word can be a world of possibilities.

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These prompts are really a bit disappointing... Many of them are a bit blunt and similar. I think this year i'll start to create some prompts of my own. Anyway, good luck to every participant! :)

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I don't like the idea of all the prompts linked together... It limitates the creativity of the challenge

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Ah, to be honest these year prompts got me disappointed. I really wanted to use the official list because all 3 Inktobrs I ve completed were done with the official prompts. But these are pretty much straightforward and aren't connected to fall or something spooky😞

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Im a bit new to inktober so do I start creating art in October or start now

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You can do whatever suits you best! I start now and Post them in october, because i don't have time to produce good Art every day for example

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Maybe I'll try again this year. I usually fail at doing Inktober. Though, I don't know if I'll be using the prompts.

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I have to say, although I look forward to Inktober as one of the highlights of the year, this year’s prompts are disappointing. It’s as if someone has taken a story, and pulled prompts out of it. Only 3 adjectives out of the 31? And 6 where it’s hard to find anything other than the obvious

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